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Move More: Why Exercise is Your Aging Ally

As we age, staying active isn't just about fitting into old jeans (although, who doesn't love that feeling?). It's about empowering your body and mind for a vibrant, healthy future. It truly is a "move it or lose it" situation, so keep your body moving to maintain mobility.

Here's why movement matters even more as the years fly by:

  • Exercise builds and maintains muscle mass, which helps with balance, stability, and everyday activities. Strong muscles also keep your bones healthy, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

  • Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain, sharpening your memory, focus, and even mood. It's like a natural anti-aging treatment for your mind!

  • Exercise releases endorphins, those feel-good chemicals that combat stress and anxiety. A brisk walk or yoga session can be your daily dose of sunshine for a positive outlook.

  • Regular movement helps you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly, leaving you feeling energized and refreshed in the morning.

  • Exercise can help prevent or manage conditions like heart disease and diabetes. It's a powerful tool for taking control of your health.

Remember, every step counts! You don't need to become a gym rat to reap the benefits. "Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy a person expends through daily activities that aren't purposeful exercise." The following tips may seem simple, but the more you move, the better off you'll be.

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

  • Park further away and enjoy a walk.

  • Stand or walk while on the phone or in a virtual meeting.

  • Stretch while watching TV.

  • Join a social activity like dancing or group fitness classes.

  • Simply spend more time outdoors - walking, gardening, hiking.

I am often asked what is the best exercise. My answer is the one you do consistently so find an activity you enjoy! Of course, listen to your body and start slowly if you don't move much now. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as you get stronger and build endurance.

Many people think of exercise as a punishment for what they eat. I challenge you to change that mindset and view exercise as a celebration of what your body can do! Movement is a gift you give to yourself, not just today, but for years to come. And if you need support, Wellness With Elizabeth is here to help you move towards a healthier, happier you!

This blog post was written in collaboration with Gemini AI.


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